
Intimate Enhancement

By Linda Jackson


INTIMATE- means pertaining to the inner most character of a thing, most private or personal.

ENHANCEMENT- means to make greater heighten, improve.  I am a hypnotist who specializes in intimate enhancement. The body and emotions respond to the senses of the subconscious, which may not be what you are saying consciously.

I use a technique of waking hypnosis called communicating with the subconscious conscious. It may resemble a somewhat relaxing or stimulating talk. You may or may not be stimulated emotionally. There is no reason for concern in either case.

The purpose of the sessions is to help you open up the doors you may have subconsciously closed that are keeping you from feeling all you want to feel intimately.

My sessions are not a psychological; I claim no advice for you in that area. I work only with the senses of your subconscious to improve how you feel in your intimate life.

Right now, you might step back and recall a happy time, a place, a moment, a situation or a celebration that puts a smile on your face or a warm feeling in your heart. There could have been a facial expression of a person or people that made you feel special or loved. Where a touch or a pat on your back that gave you a special feeling you like holding on to or soaking in. Even deeper a taste or smell can remind you of special times.

A negative bump in the road of life can also be a facial expression, a tone of voice, a feeling, bad tastes or smells. A place you got stuck.

Now think of both of that happy place and the bad spot at exactly the same time now and never again for a minute or as long as you like.

Words like magic or music that wakes up your soul from a long sleep, that special place that remembers love and you being all that is. The mysteries inside waiting like the dawn of light after a long night of darkness to the colors of a new day and life in tomorrow. Hope opening of the flower petals and the moistness of the dew so delicate so enduring is the soul of unlimited possibilities we only sigh in wonder.

Courage is in the soul, strength is in our faith, and splendor is our destiny



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