Star Bright
The Healing Star Bright

By Linda Jackson

          Thirty- seven years ago they gave my ex husband  six months to Live. They said he had a malignant melanoma, one of the fastest spreading cancers.    Our little girls were 10 & 7 and our baby boy six months old.  So needless to say we took what was said seriously.                      

       Fortunately for us I had been going to a psychic at the time that by chance she was giving a class on healing and suggested the book “Three Magic Words”. by U.S. Andersen.  She also suggested our going to a church that focused on spiritual healings (Science of Mind) or Unity.
We did what she said and using the book “Three Magic Words”, my ex had a healing.   He is still alive thirty- seven years later. He still smoke cigarettes, drank like a fish, (finally quit) has had a quadruple bypass and when the cancer returned (did a spiritual healing) and is still living - go figure. Miraculous.

Years later I had a tumor the size of a grapefruit in my uterus, (two doctors in two different towns confirmed it) so I went in for a hysterectomy. The minister told me to do a spiritual session before the surgery so I did and the tumor disappeared. There was nothing on my pathology report.

I don’t know what to say except there are magical things that happen every day if you believe..



Send e-mail to lindapsychic@yahoo.comStar Bright